There are many fish of different colors and sizes in the sea. But none compares to the telescopefish, which stands out because of its large eyes. Telescope fish is the most beautiful fish in the world.
In addition, many people are curious whether it is a mutation of the famous goldfish. But physically, they are not so similar.
History of the telescope fish
In some countries, the telescopefish, called Demekin and Moro, belongs to the Cyprinidae fish family. They are usually found in river mouths, lakes, and even ponds. They prefer calm waters without any type of current.
Telescope fish were first found in China in the early 18th century. Over time, they were exported to Japan, then to European countries, and finally to America, which is why they are found in most aquariums.
Characteristics of the telescope fish
This telescope fish has several characteristics that make it easy to differentiate from others. Let’s start by talking about his most outstanding physical attributes: his very large eyes covered by transparent skin.
Anyone with big eyes would think their eyesight is excellent, but unfortunately, this is untrue.
Telescopefish are almost blind, so their vision is compromised and worsens with age. They do not usually grow much in size. The maximum size is 30 cm. Their weight is 1 kilo, so their bodies are short and round.
Its fins are large in comparison to the proportions of its body and are rounded at the end.
Another interesting aspect about its fins is that they have two caudal fins, and the color is much more vibrant.
The color of this fish varies. Some are white, orange, yellow, or red, but the most predominant is black. Although it really all depends on where and in what state its habitat is.
Lastly, their estimated lifespan is 5 to 10 years, which is quite short compared to other types of fish.
This is due both to their vision problems, which worsen as they age, and to their swimming problems, which also increase with age.
Feeding the telescope fish
Telescope fish are omnivores, so they usually feed on larvae, algae, and other fish. However, they must be very small since their digestive system is not the best. If they are fed in large quantities, they could end up with serious health problems.
So if you have one at home, consider giving it vegetables like spinach or any other that you think can be beneficial, and in small quantities, at least twice a day to keep it healthy.
Reproduction of the telescope fish
This type of fish reaches sexual maturity when they are over 2 years old.
When the male starts pushing the female against the sea plants. it is so that she releases her eggs, which remain stuck to the plants. The birth of the baby fish will depend on the water temperature; it can last from 42 to 74 hours. The number of eggs a female telescope fish can lay varies from 300 to 2,000 daily. so its reproduction rate is quite high.
Telescope fish care
if you are considering buying a telescope fish to keep as a pet. You must consider many aspects so that it has a good place, is fed correctly, and can live long enough.
For this reason, we have selected 5 care tips. We believe it is vital for these fish to be able to exist outside their natural habitat. so we recommend reading carefully and writing down every detail.
- Make sure the water is in the proper temperature. It is best to keep it between 18°C and 23°C.
- The aquarium should be large, with a minimum capacity of at least 70 liters. so that the fish can live in pleasant conditions.
- Avoid using plastic or fake decorations. Opt for real stones, algae, or plants.
- If you are going to put a filter in. we recommend that it does not affect the state of the water too much. it does not cause waves or sudden movements because, as we mentioned at the beginning, they are from calm waters.
- Place the fish tank where there is little light, as this could cause damage and increase the chances of fungus developing on its skin.